Efectos Especiales Fx y Pyro

Tenemos todo lo que necesitas para que tu eventos , con 100% de seguridad y calidad.

Nuestro equipo altamente calificado , te ayudará a diseñar tu evento a la medida. Incluyendo los más eficaces equipos de Efectos Especiales Fx y Pyro para escenarios.

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Nuestro Equipos

Tenemos todo lo que necesitas, equipos de alta calidad

Certificados y Auto-programables.

Flames Machine

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Cryo-Jet Co2

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.


Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Sunshine Color Flame

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Steamer Fx

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Smoke Fx

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Snow Fx

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Low Smoke

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Confetti Fx

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Circle Flame

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Power Drop

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Laser Show

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Hard Case

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.

Team member

Write something about this member of your team to introduce them to your visitors.